
Showing posts from 2020

Best Grow Lights For Growing Cannabis Indoors

Kudos that you have finally decided to grow cannabis indoors. And if you are reading this then you probably are already familiar with the basic requirement related to growing your own plants.  It’s true that medical cannabis card allows you to legally buy your strains from a nearby dispensary. Through your medical marijuana grower license , you can grow upto 99 plants indoors. Which provides an edge to MMJ users as they can have their preferred strains within their reach. However to grow healthy plants you need to make sure that you cover up all the vitals. Growing cannabis indoors gives you better control over the environment can produce a better yield as compared to growing outdoors if done properly.  Choosing the right lights within your budget plays a significant role here, as plants are exposed to the light during most of the day(12-18 hours).  Lets us have a look at 5 most efficient grow lights best suited for growing cannabis indoors. Fluorescent Grow Lights Fluorescent grow l

Indica Vs Sativa, What’s The Difference?

  Today we have more than a thousand cannabis strains known to us, most of which are freshly bred in the last decade. Cultivators are covering up a wide ground and are coming with versatile cannabis stains made to deliver the desired effects. This is beneficial for both medical and recreational users. Recreational users can now get one step closer to the kind of setting they prefer with their cannabis experience. Say a pure Sativa strain goes well if you are looking to swig a creative push at work, while a THC rich Indica strain would be helpful in getting a good night's sleep. Though, its true that some buds are more suited to a particular condition but not others. If you are using cannabis to manage a medical condition, picking up the right stain is important to ensure that you're using the herb in a proper way. To receive the right treatment, your cannabinoid composition and stain type must be apt to your medical condition. You can get in touch with a cannabis doctor for you

CBD Dominant Strains You Should Try

Cannabis use was all about getting high. But not anymore. Things have changed. But do you know what led to this change? The introduction of CBD rich strains available in the market is the major reason behind it. THC, the mischievous cousin of CBD, that is responsible for creating a hallucinogenic or mind-altering state of mind has helped many people enjoy the buzz feeling. Whereas CBD or cannabidiol plays a rather cool role and offers intoxicating and relaxing effects which helps people to use it both personally and as a medicine. And because of this reason, CBD strains have become a popular choice as you need to be clear headed while treating your ailments like nausea, vomiting, headaches, muscle spasms, stress, epilepsy, anxiety, pain and much more. For using it as a medicine one must have his 420 evaluations done. With so many options available out there in the market, it actually becomes an overwhelming and a confusing choice to make. But don’t worry, I have compiled a list of som

Why to Get a Cannabis Card in a Recreational State?

  The legalization of the cannabis plant has been a move welcomed with open hands almost everywhere. Currently, there are more than 33 states in the US where the use of marijuana is legal for medical or recreational purposes. And people in these places are making full use of this legalization by getting a medical cannabis card . But there is one thing that has been a topic of debate for a long time. Is it worth getting a medical cannabis card in a recreational state? Right now, there are 11 states plus DC where the adult use of cannabis has been legalized. And in these states, anyone can use marijuana, as long as they are above the age of 21. Given this freedom, should you still get a medical cannabis card? Well, an MMJ card may have some additional benefits even in a recreational state. Let’s take a look. Affordability Cannabis, no doubt, is an expensive herb. And it can burn a huge hole in your pocket. But not if you have a cannabis card. Having a medical cannabis card can save you

3 Reasons Why Medical Marijuana Gained Popularity During Coronavirus

There is a surge in the demand for medical marijuana after it was declared as an essential business.   People are asked to refuge at home. This is why they’re going for medical marijuana evaluation online, to get an MMJ card to legally buy medical marijuana from the licensed dispensaries. There’s a reason why authorities are focusing on buying from them. Let me explain.   Medical cannabis sold in national dispensaries is grown using natural and sustainable practices. They’re checked by professionals for consistent cannabinoid content. And, in-house Quality Control ensures patients receive the right dosage to cure the symptoms of the ailment. Many states have made medical marijuana products an affordable choice. So that everyone could have access to it for medicinal purposes. Read on to find why medical has gained immense popularity in the last few months. Therapeutic Properties Medical marijuana mainly contains two chemical CBD that impacts the brain and THC which has pai

7 Cannabis Facts For The Non-Cannabis Users

  Did you ever wonder why some states have legalized cannabis? Even though you have heard that it affects the well being of an individual! Why have some states not only allowed medical cannabis consumption but also permitted for recreational use? Those states allow access to medical cannabis via a medical cannabis card after a thorough consultation with 420 doctors , also known as cannabis/marijuana doctors. Cannabis has had its fair share of praise and stigma for centuries. As more and more cannabis movements are arising, some best facts about this natural herb are surfacing. You may have information on cannabis being bad for health and leading to adverse addictions and effects. This is true to some extent but there is much more about cannabis to unveil. Here are 7 interesting things to know about cannabis. Impossible To Overdose To date, there is no news of people dying from the overconsumption of cannabis.

Top Myths About Growing Cannabis at Home

Cannabis is getting popular every year, and mainly due to its medical benefits. It can be used to manage various health conditions and symptoms associated with them. But, whether you are using cannabis for recreational purposes or medical purposes, you can’t ignore the popularity of cannabis. And with simple 420 evaluations , you can get a medical cannabis card that allows you to buy cannabis for your medical condition. Also, many people who use cannabis for medical purposes, choose to grow cannabis at their home. So, if you also want to grow medical cannabis at your home, you will need a medical marijuana grower license . Now, before you start with the growing process, you must get familiar with some myths related to growing cannabis at home. You must avoid falling for these myths as they can be very misleading. So, here are some of the most common myths about growing cannabis at home.   It will cost you a lot of money Well, it can be expensive at times, but it

Does Medical Marijuana Help Insomnia Patients?

Adequate sleep helps in promoting mental and physical wellness, yet many adults are unable to get it. The National Sleep Foundation says that 50-70 million American adults experience symptoms of a sleep disorder. And, about 30-40 percent of the US population have insomnia at some point in their lives. With so many people suffering from sleep disorders, there has been a rise in interest in finding effective treatments for these disorders. Researchers have found that marijuana’s amazing therapeutic properties can help in treating sleep disorders such as insomnia. You can access cannabis products in a legalized state with a medical marijuana recommendation . Medical Cannabis For Insomnia Marijuana contains a wide range of strains, which comprise therapeutic properties. There are many strains with different levels of cannabinoids. Different strains deliver different effects, some offer energizing effects while others offer calming and sedating effects. The two most important can

The Best Cannabis Strains For Arthritis

Arthritis is a serious disability that affects a lot of people every year. A person suffering from arthritis may feel stiffness, pain, and inflammation in the joints. It is very common in senior citizens all around the world. Many people are now choosing medical cannabis over pharmaceutical medicines to deal with arthritis. The biggest reason for this is that these pharmaceutical medicines can be very addictive and come with various side effects. With a medical cannabis card , a person can buy medical cannabis from any licensed dispensary. Also, many people like to grow their cannabis at home, so that they won’t have to go out to buy their medicine. A  medical marijuana grower license  allows people to grow cannabis at home for their medical condition. With simple evaluations, you can get your  medical cannabis card . Now, there are many different cannabis strains, and you have to know about the ones that would suit your medical condition. So, here are some of the best cannabis s

4 Factors That Affect Your Cannabis High

If you ask cannabis lovers what their favorite strain is, they might come up with various answers. Some might say that they prefer the high buzz with an energetic hit. While others will tell you that they like the mellow effect produced by marijuana. Whatever the reason behind their choice of strain, it is no doubt that there are a lot of factors that help a canna-lover pick a good strain. For instance, experienced 420 doctors can help you find the right strain. However, some factors hinder the process of getting high. In this post, we will discuss those factors and help you get the best out of cannabis. 1. Examine Your Mood and Comfort Level Have you ever noticed that you can have two different moods while smoking the same strain? So, if that happens to you the next time ask yourself one question. What was your mood and environment while you were smoking a strain? Was it happy, tense, depressed, or anxious? Where did you choose to smoke? Was it out in nature or in a clo