
Showing posts from June, 2020

7 Cannabis Facts For The Non-Cannabis Users

  Did you ever wonder why some states have legalized cannabis? Even though you have heard that it affects the well being of an individual! Why have some states not only allowed medical cannabis consumption but also permitted for recreational use? Those states allow access to medical cannabis via a medical cannabis card after a thorough consultation with 420 doctors , also known as cannabis/marijuana doctors. Cannabis has had its fair share of praise and stigma for centuries. As more and more cannabis movements are arising, some best facts about this natural herb are surfacing. You may have information on cannabis being bad for health and leading to adverse addictions and effects. This is true to some extent but there is much more about cannabis to unveil. Here are 7 interesting things to know about cannabis. Impossible To Overdose To date, there is no news of people dying from the overconsumption of cannabis.